Immersive Virtual Reality Training for CSPS at the IUT of La Ciotat

Immersive Virtual Reality Training for CSPS at the IUT of La Ciotat

The IUT of La Ciotat, a higher education institution, entrusted us with creating a virtual reality training scenario for Safety and Health Protection Coordinators (CSPS).

Through collaborative efforts, we developed an innovative solution tailored for virtual reality headsets and the Cube. This training tool is used by students and professionals undergoing CSPS training, offering an immersive and engaging learning experience. Fully customizable, it allows the creation of new scenarios to meet the specific needs of the IUT’s training programs.

The virtual reality approach removes real-world constraints, eliminating the need to visit actual worksites or constantly mobilize a trainer. Students experience realistic work situations and develop essential safety and health protection skills, all in a safe environment and at their own pace.